I fit the upper layer of batteries to check clearances, I had to grind the battery tops a bit just like the bottom set. I made spacers and a platform for the cells to sit on the other cells.
I used a strapping tool and strapped the top batteries together as a block.
I moved on to the control box that will house the head board for the BMS and a solid state relay that will disconnect the bike if a cell goes above maximum.
I needed to mount a small power supply outside the box, I thought I could get 12v from the bike but that proved to be involved. The small supply is only in use during charging to power the BMS mater board.
I took my time mounting the 42 BMS boards and installing the jumpers, I didn't have any spares and didn't want to let the magic smoke out of anything.
The shot shows all the led's on, but after a few minutes they are all flashing at random, short flash means all ok.
More BMS board fun, also on the left the shunt is mounted for the cycle analyst.
The battery box is starting to get populated with all the parts, here the temperature sensors are in place and the BMS box is almost all wired
I mounted a reset switch under the seat. I changed out the bulb for an LED that indicates that the solid state relay is turned on. I wanted some feedback to indicate the bike should be charging.
I had charge indication but the bike didn't start charging, I found the solid state relay not tuned on due to reverse polarity on the input.
I corrected my wiring and it worked great.
As typical with the modification with the Thundersky battery I had modify the battery box for the second layer
I went for a brief ride and the Cycle Analyst gives a lot of good information, even though I am not using many of the functions.
I felt that I had more power than before when rolling the throttle while cruising.
Here is a shot charging, nice and quiet without the noisy impellers running.